The Best/Better Thinking,
For the future of freedom,
We need you now more than ever.
See The Movie, The Big Movie can be scary.
Contribution to solution is rewarding.
The tug of war between stories.
It was made that way on purpose.
Rewarding so you will want to pitch in.
Freely volunteering, make a difference networking.
Keep the simplest truth to find your way.
Gratitude reboots the machine.
You are the Chooser.
Seeing Clearly, Choose Wisely.
How the mind was made
for good and great purposes,
many powerful compulsion rule.
Break out of the box, break away from
the lies of "no choice" understanding.
Excited alive again with pupose.
Search with all your heart,
for the future of freedom,
Natural Navigation.
"Emotional Anatomy"
A massive paradigm shift is about to occur.
Full Spectrum thinking through the lens of
Awe and Wonder.
Emotional lensing
our language
and our educational system.
The Tug of War Between Stories
Stuck in a Box.
provocative Gilgamesh says
Look into the "Emotional Mirror".
Free the genius of your people.
What gets in the way?