Core Value is Cool

Did we learn this in school?


To flourish, the free market requires free minds. Freedom allows for the exploration and discovery of the very best and better, at all levels of creation, physically, emotionally, philosophically, intellectually, personally, socially, politically, economically, theologically, spiritually, and in right relationship with God. Freedom works because the mind was made to be freely attracted and excited toward healthy ideas, images and functions. We will be held responsible for the language of wisdom. People are the product of freedom.


Science will play its role to confirm the intelligent design of a free mind. Alan C. Swann, MD (the Pat R. Rutherford Jr. Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, reported in the Psychiatric Times' Bipolar Disorders Letter 2/2000) is studying patterns of behavior that might be 'sensitive indicators' of future mental health problems. He is focusing his study on impulsivity. There is rapidly expanding professional interest toward recognizing and describing early warning systems, naturally preoccupied with 'illness thinking' instead of recognizing how useful is our normal anatomy. Professor Swann helps to open the door to this 'Free Mind Forum' when he states, "...maintaining the highest possible level of mood stability is in their (sic) best interest. Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."


Very promising are references to "symptom signatures" (by A. John Rush, MD, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern medical school, a personal communication, March 2000) which refers to the unique progression of symptoms and behaviors preceding and thereby warning a person they are about to re-experience (a behavior) an episode of illness. Though Dr. Rush was referring to affective disorder, this phenomena is observable in all of us "normal" people as we acknowlege a predictable intelligent design of "Emotional Anatomy" intending freedom to choose instead of compulsive repetition of counter productive behaviors.


Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D. (Professor of Psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and internationally recognized authority) writes in 'Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide', about typical indicators for suicidal risk. She too opens the door to this 'Free Mind Forum' when she states, "It is extremely painful...suffering tremendously and, because they are depressed, they don't see it resolving. It is like being tortured with no escape, so suicide becomes the way out." Science depends upon reproducible language to describe how things work. Uniquely attractive, the language of freedom requires collaboration too and chooses, precise identification of what gets in the way. Are you willing? Compulsive, self destructive, addictive, confusions, corruptions, consumptions, ambushed by pleasure, devastate our society.


When you cannot see beyond the walls of the box, you know you are stuck!!

When you cannot see rainbows through the window of your wisdom, it hurts.

Pain teaches--"Strength to face the impossible"--personal significance, core value.

"Emotional Anatomy"--Intelligent Design invites the return of wisdom. Intentionally impressive, intended to motivate and attract you, your thoughts cannot be forced. Many have given their lives to defend it, your political freedom depends on its being freely attractive, inviting you who are willing participants, to pitch in to magnificent creation, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. What gets in the way? 'Cognitive Surgery' discovers where reflex opposition points precisely to the parts being healed. Gorrilla wrestling is World War III for the good and great purposes of freedom to pitch in, to tell your war stories. To become the great grand parents of wisdom, 'the New Movie'.


Generation Wisdom

We need you now more than ever.





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