"Emotional Anatomy"
Intelligently Designed
Take a look into the Emotional Mirror.


Core Value is Cool

Did we learn this in school?


"Emotional Anatomy"--Intelligent Design

At extreme personal risk but for great good purpose, Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) ignored taboos
and uncovered graves to study detailed physical anatomy.   Now, science continues its part in the
privilege of describing the genius of God's creation.   Intelligently designed, freedom explains our
challenge, the detailed study of how you were made is painful, exciting, magnificent, terrifying---
Free to choose, free to refuse.   Complacent and unwilling, unaware of how it works, better to leave it
buried, "I shut down, a numbness comes over me, even my bliss, there is no more pain, relief at
last--So what, no one understands." Certain emotions trigger cascades of 'Stuck in a Box.'

Ambushed by pleasures--thought tangles happen, emotional caves unseen, addictions cripple your
freedom to choose.  From out of the ocean of emotion come waves of emotion covering you in
consuming confusions.   Pain teaches, with no choice, the consequences of these addictions can
be seen world wide, stuck in a box.   Free the genius of your people. Intelligently designed for great
purpose and personal meaning, you are invited by visions--free to choose 'strength to face the
impossible'.   Your challenge in freedom is free to refuse.

Intelligent design intends to impress you into volunteering service to wonder filled creation, willing to face
any obstacle or problem presented--each of you uniquely gifted to pitch in.   For the future of freedom,
we need you now more than ever.   What gets in the way?   Gorrilla wrestling. Gratitude reboots the machine.


"Emotional Anatomy"--Intelligent Design

In stark contrast to the tolerant truth, "Emotional Intelligence" implies images of "I have it and you don't",
predictably provoking responses such as "what's the matter with me?"--or--"I wish I had it and I want it",
acquisitiveness.   It is not just positive thinking that leaves you unprepared for waves of emotion not yet
visited.    Intelligent manipulation claims you can change the way the mind works.   Sophisticated
deception manipulates the mood to believe lies. Through the lens of 'Awe and Wonder' you can see
how   the mind works.  Gratitude reboots the machine.

The genius of creation is freedom for your imagination to choose from visions of best and better.   
Free the Genius of your people.   Your skills are improved by meeting challenges.   Meet the chorus of voices
and visions designed to search out and precisely identify your vulnerabilities.   You are the chooser.
What gets in the way?   Guerrillas Wrestling you--Stuck in a Box.  Your choice to fight for the future of freedom
cannot be forced.   People are the product of freedom.   We need you now more than ever.

Excited alive again into imagination with purpose, you're personal contribution to the story of freedom,
vocabulary imagery, inviting others to say it their way too--Wonder Vision Wisdom.





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